To enter the server room itself, make sure one character has the orange keycard and another has the blue one. You'll get a set of Iron Knuckles for Sally equip them immediately. You don't need to access the security computer itself just yet, but you should open the drawer and have Frank pick the lockbox inside.

Pick up the documents immediately to the left of the keyboard to find a keycard underneath. The armoury locker can't be accessed yet, so have a seat at the desk. Equip the torch to Frank as his melee weapon for the upcoming battle. The medicine cabinet against the far wall has a dose each of Adrenaline and Stimulants, as well as a torch. Once the enemies are beaten, it's time to have a look around. Have Frank use his gun on the drones and his knife on the guard. Gavin and Sally both use blunt weapons, which deal increased damage to the drones.

Inside the car is Barry's company ID, which you can use to take the lift to the security floor, where the server room is located. Return to the car park and use Barry's car keys to search the sports car in the foreground - unlike most items, Gavin receives the keys by default when you pick them up. The investigating character will lose Composure with each pocket you search, so it's best to get the card in one try. His server room keycard is in his coat pocket on your left (the hip pocket, not the breast pocket). Look in the dumpster to find Barry Brixton's body. The gate remains stuck, so after the lock comes of have Sally force it open. Have Frank pick the lock on the fence in the background to investigate the blood trail. Pull the lever again to fill the drain, then recover the keys. Next, rotate the first and third valves twice each, so that their dots are on the opposite sides. Start by aligning the dots on each dial, then pull the lever to start the pump. Even Ernie was wagging his tail in anticipation.įirst week of August that might be a problem for this, Cathy realized belatedly.Sally (or whoever ends up holding the valve) can repair the handle then get to work. Jack, and I already said yes, his wife informed him. He recognized one but couldn't put a name on him. He went inside to find three men talking to his wife. On inspection he saw that it had diplomatic tags. There was a strange car parked in front of the house when he got there, just beyond the nearly completed swimming pool. Please tell them that we'd be honored to have them down. I understand that you offered an invitation when you met, and they wish to see if it remains open. Their Royal Highnesses will be visiting the States in a few weeks. Our English friends have really scored on this one. Most of the good ones are, Cantor agreed. He forgot about it, as he was supposed to do with everything that he saw at Langley.

He wondered how his father had felt right before a big arrest after a lengthy investigation. He realized that his anticipation was not very different from Christmas? No, that was not the right way to think about this. We met before atĭriving home, Ryan thought about what might be happening. Hello, Doctor Ryan, I'm Geoffrey Bennett from the British Embassy. It was hoped that they could come in the evening. This is a secret that's hard to keep, he said.